In the ConfigMgr console. I could see that 1906 was available to download.
However all options were greyed out.
I've had similar problems in the past and the trusty CMUpdateReset tool usually got me out of trouble. However not this time. I ran the tool but the problem persisted. 1906 disappeared from the console but when it reappeared the options were still greyed out.
There were some fairly catastrophic messages in the dmpdownloader.log file.
WARNING: Failed to
find a certificate matching the following thumbprint: .
DmpDownloader:GetMessages: Failed to get messages.. Exception:
System.AggregateException: One or more errors occurred. --->
Microsoft.Management.Services.Common.NotSupportedException: {~~ "_version": 3,~~ "Message": "An error has
occurred - Operation ID (for customer support):
926c3692-bde5-4c8d-a6fa-7297f93d226a - Activity ID:
fb69f026-d17f-4bed-8c57-4a7ded103f37 - Url:$filter=Mode
eq 1&$top=500"
Normal service was resumed and I could upgrade the site.
I hope this helps. Until next time.....