Wednesday, 18 March 2015

What Azure services do I get with my EMS licenses?

EMS Landing page

You've just purchased and activated your EMS licenses. What do you do next? Over the next few months I will publish posts outlining the various features than you have unlocked - but what are they? What Azure services can you now consume?

Let's have a look. Log on to the Azure Portal 

One of the first things you will notice (and Microsoft will remind you of this regularly) is that you do not actually own an Azure Subscription. You have purchased EMS licenses which give you free access to the Azure Portal (to manage your Azure Active Directory). You cannot however consume all Azure services as a result.

See what happens, for example, when you try to create a Virtual Machine. You are not allowed.

You require a paid Azure subscription in order to provision the storage for the VM. Microsoft make it very easy for you to add a subscription at any time.

So what can features can we implement - here is a taste of what is to come?

Software as a Service - our Azure Active Directory Premium license allows us to present unlimited number of applications to our users. Note that there are currently 2459 applications in the Azure gallery (and rising fast).

(Edit as suggested by Simon in the comments below).

Remember you can use Cloud App Discovery to find out what cloud apps are already in use in your organization.

Self-service password reset (bi-directional).

Multi-factor authentication.

Device Registration.

Application Proxy.

Rights Management.

Advanced Reporting.

And let's not forget about Microsoft Intune for device and application management. This has a separate Portal.

In the coming months I will blog in detail about these features and more. EMS will be my focus for 2015.


  1. Also don't forget about cloud app discovery too

    1. Good call Simon. I've included a reference to Cloud App Discovery.
